What Is an Oxygen Facial?
Oxygen facials, also known as “Ultimate Hydration Therapy,” are a non-medical facial procedure that promotes healthier and brighter complexion. Also, improves blood circulation to the face, which can help skin look even and plump.
What Happens During an Oxygen Facial?
This procedure involves the use of 94% pure oxygen and consists of a machine spraying atomized moisturizers onto the face for instant hydration. When the skin is fully hydrated like this, it diminishes the effect of imperfections like blemishes and enlarged pores that can be seen when the skin is dehydrated. Many oxygen facials come with a combination of add-on enhancements or activators that will aid in collagen production. These treatments can help with acne, hypopigmented and hyperpigmented skin, sensitive skin, and dehydration.
Who Is The Ideal Candidate For an Oxygen Facial?
The ideal candidate for this treatment is anyone with dull-looking skin or anyone who wants to give their skin a little extra nourishment.
Before & After

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