What is a Chemical Peel?
A chemical peel is a procedure in which chemicals like retinoids and acids like salicylic acid are applied to remove the first few layers of skin so that it may grow back clearer. This procedure treats skin that is wrinkled, scarred, or overall discolored. There are different depths to chemical peels ranging from light to deep, and each stage has its own unique skin benefits.
Light chemical peel- This chemical peel removes just the top layer of skin and reduces the appearance of wrinkles, acne, and discoloration. You can get this treatment done every 2-5 weeks.
Medium chemical peel- This chemical peel removes the top layer of skin as well as a few layers of the underlying skin. A medium chemical peel might be needed for stubborn skin imperfections. You can get this treatment done every 4-6 months.
Deep chemical peel- This chemical peel removes even more skin cells than the medium chemical peel. Because of its intensity, a doctor may recommend it for deep scars, wrinkles, or if they suspect a precancerous growth in the area. This procedure is not to be repeated multiple times.
How Does a Chemical Peel Work?
Chemical peels raise the skin’s acidity, which allows the dead skin cells to detach themselves from the healthy skin and allow them to slough off.
Who Is a Candidate For a Chemical Peel?
Those who have mild to moderate skin problems who are looking to enhance their skin and minimize the look of problem areas are great candidates for chemical peels.
Before & After

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