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(703) 263-8704

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So far DermApproach has created 80 blog entries.

How Stress Affects Your Skin


The skin is highly susceptible to various internal and external factors that often affect its appearance and vivacity. For example, most skin types are particularly prone to damage caused by the sun or germs. Further, skin and stress are highly interactive factors in regards to skin. Emotional and mental stresses have a significant impact on [...]

How Stress Affects Your Skin2021-09-27T19:14:03-04:00

Chemical Peels: Expert Advice About Procedure & Results


Trying a new skin care treatment or procedure can be intimidating. With new treatments surfacing every day, it can be difficult to choose the best option for your skin. One type of skin treatment familiar to skin care enthusiasts is the chemical peel. Although it is a well-known treatment, undergoing a chemical peel for [...]

Chemical Peels: Expert Advice About Procedure & Results2021-09-27T19:16:23-04:00

Benefits of LED Light Therapy for Your Skin


Finally, there’s light at the end of the tunnel (a tunnel of problem skin) and that light is LED Light Therapy. We know how painful and concerning it is to have problem skin and we’re on a mission to help you fall in love with your skin.Without further ado, let’s shed some light (yes, pun [...]

Benefits of LED Light Therapy for Your Skin2021-09-27T19:23:14-04:00

PCOS & Laser Hair Removal: Does it Work?


As a woman, you probably already spend a significant amount of time on your beauty routine. From skincare, makeup, to what shoes to wear with that top, it all takes time. After all, you want to feel elegant, beautiful, comfortable and happy I your own skin. Unfortunately, there could be conditions that could test your [...]

PCOS & Laser Hair Removal: Does it Work?2021-09-27T19:22:29-04:00

10 Skincare Myths Debunked


It seems that nearly everyone has an opinion about what works best for skin, and most are ready to share their "tried and true" methods of keeping skin refreshed and beautiful. How do we know, though, that this information is true? Where is it coming from? In today's day of instant information via the internet, [...]

10 Skincare Myths Debunked2021-09-27T19:25:43-04:00

Skincare Tips for Oily Skin


First and foremost, don’t get discouraged or upset if you have oily skin. There’s nothing wrong with your skin; it just needs a different kind of care and you’re beautiful with or without oily skin.Got it? OK, good! Now, let’s continue…We know that keeping your skin clean and pimple free has been a challenge and [...]

Skincare Tips for Oily Skin2021-09-27T19:26:41-04:00

How to Actually Prevent and Treat Hyperpigmentation


Hyperpigmentation comes in many forms, including sun spots, acne scars, brown spots, and even pregnancy mask. These patches of darker skin happen when melanin, which produces your normal skin color, creates heavier deposits in your skin. While these spots are typically harmless, they can make you look older and ruin an otherwise clear complexion. If [...]

How to Actually Prevent and Treat Hyperpigmentation2021-09-27T19:27:02-04:00

The Truth About Facials and Why You Actually Need Them


The average woman usually schedules about six to eight days a month devoted solely to beauty. On these days, she usually goes to the priciest spa in her neighborhood to have a facial that costs as much as some cars. Blood? Caviar? Leech Therapy? She's had it all on her face.Whoops, sorry. That's usually the [...]

The Truth About Facials and Why You Actually Need Them2021-09-27T19:27:38-04:00

Dehydration: How to Tell if Your Skin is Thirsty for Water


One of the most important factors when it comes to healthy skin is hydration.Dehydration, both external and internal, is known to cause many ill cosmetic effects when it comes to skin, especially on our faces. Some of the issues you may be having with your skin could be due to lack of hydration. Plus, some [...]

Dehydration: How to Tell if Your Skin is Thirsty for Water2021-09-27T19:28:10-04:00

How to Take Care of Your Skin During Winter/Fall Months


Cold weather and skin problems go hand in hand. During the cold months, many of us experience dry skin, chapped lips, flare ups of eczema and psoriasis, flaky skin and even sun damage post summer. Whether you are a man or a woman, it pays to know how to take care of your skin during [...]

How to Take Care of Your Skin During Winter/Fall Months2021-09-27T19:28:39-04:00
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